Round 2 & Special Trading Competition on Boba Mainnet
3 min readApr 20, 2022


Round 2 + Special Trading Competition

In this post, we will be announcing the winners for Round 1 Trading Competition and also the details about Round 2 + Special Round of Trading Competition on Boba Mainnet.

In Round 1, we witnessed high participation and traders were performing really well! 🚀

However, we faced some issues on unexpected behaviour of our market making bot. Attempts to cheat by exploiting both the market making bot and the trading tokens were also made.

Hence, we have investigated the issues, screened through the wallets and finalized the winner list with some disqualifications of wallets due to the exploitations.

So here are the Top 3 traders!

1st place: 0x00……62cc

2nd place: 0x40……14ad

3rd place: 0xaf……763b

Congratulations to the winners of Round 1 Trading Competition! 🥳

Are you ready for Round 2 and Special Round of Trading Competition on Boba Mainnet?

Here are some updates you need to know!


  • The competition is taking place on Boba Mainnet hence you will have to claim trading tokens through faucet (ONCE per wallet per competition) and every trade made will require a small sum of ETH for gas. (approximately 0.0002 for claiming faucet and 0.0003 for posting orders)
  • The Trading Competition token will be provided by us through the faucet (link will be provided in Discord). It is called “T6” and it serves the function of USDT. Each participant will be able to claim 10,000 of “T6” tokens in each competition.
  • Top 3 ranked traders will be rewarded with prizes in WAGMI v2 tokens. Traders’ rankings will be based on “Realized PnL” hence traders should close their position before the end of the competition.
  • Separate leaderboards for Round 2 and Special Round have been set up in Discord for traders to check their rankings.
  • During the competition, new traders are welcome to join using the same faucet page.
  • All WAGMI v2 tokens will be given out after 29th April and can be converted into $BOBA tokens in 1:1 ratio in May.


  • All users should only trade with the initial 10,000 T6 tokens
  • Wallets that are detected transferring t5 tokens aside from claiming the faucet will be disqualified
  • Users who are detected or suspected with self-trading will be disqualified
  • The team shall have the final say in case of any suspicious activities


Round 2 Trading Competition
Date: 22nd — 29th April 2022
Prize pool: 17,500 WAGMI v2 tokens!
(1st: 10,000; 2nd: 5,000; 3rd: 2,500)
Eligibility: FREE for all

Special Trading Competition
Date: 22nd — 29th April
Prize pool: 35,000 WAGMI v2 tokens!
(1st: 20,000; 2nd: 10,000; 3rd: 5,000)
Eligibility: (must fulfill both criteria)
1. Bridged new liquidity worth of 5,000 USDC, USDT or in ETH on Boba Mainnet from 1st April onwards and held throughout the competition period (snapshots will be taken before and after the period)
2. Assets should be liquid (not committed into any liquidity pools)

All eligible traders will receive WAGMI v2 airdrops and TOP 3 will win the prize pool.
Fill up this form to take part in Special Trading Competition:

Important links:

How to bridge ETH to Boba:
List of other bridges:

Official links can be found in Discord for:

1. on Boba Mainnet (where competition is held)
2. Faucet for Competition Tokens “T6” (serves as USDT)

To learn more about Boba Network’s WAGMI v2 Incentives Program, visit:

Feel free to contact us at:

Stay tuned for latest updates:



Written by

The DEX for the Interoperable Future

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